This is a fine knife if used within the scope of it’s purpose and it will be a great coin pocket knife
· You have posted any review for flashlight/charger before, on relevant websites or medias, printed or online, including forums, social medias, magazines,OR newspapers; · You agree to post or submit your review for the testing product to at least one relevant website or media within 3 weeks after you receive the flashlight/charger.
1. Fill in the form below to apply for testing eligibility; 2. We will contact you by E-mail within 5 working days if your application is accepted; 3. Reply your mailing address and we will mail the testing sample to you at our expense; 4. Post or submit your review to at least one relevant website or media (before that, we hope you can send back your review to us for fact checking), then send the links to us; 5. Keep the testing sample to yourself and we will contact you when there is new testing opportunity.
· Testing environment(s) and process; · High Definition /Public/en/Flashlight/images and/or video taken during the testing; · Pros and Cons of the product; · Your personal experience or conclusion about the testing product.
· Be relevant: Please choose one Nitecore new flashlight/charger that suits you most at the moment; · Be punctual: We appreciate you post the review in a timely manner; · Common IP rights: You and Nitecore will share the intellectual rights of your review; · Minority language is a plus to be accepted as reviewer.
· Your personal information collected by us will not be disclosed to any party; · We reserve the rights of final explanation of the Nitecore reviewer program; · Ineffective reply to our email within a week might be regarded as giving up the testing opportunity.